When you start searching for a property for a home, a commercial space or an investment, you
will navigate through some processes and challenges to arrive at your final decision. That process,
which was initially thought of as simple, could involve screening several properties for quality, location,
pricing, and fitness for purpose. Not only is this exhausting and costly but also requires expertise to
find that ideal property at the right location, the price you want it, and just on your terms – a near
impossibility. Therefore, the expertise of a good real estate broker comes in handy in helping to secure
your next property; but in which ways?
Property stock
Brokers have several properties in their portfolio and network of other agents. They know where
properties are and have under one roof options that can save you real-time and the trouble of
filtering properties from platform to platform. A brief of what you need is enough to commission a
good broker for a fantastic job.
Independent Opinion
Even though brokers work with many developers and owners, they are independent service
providers. This freedom enables them to gather valuable information and offer unbiased opinions
based on their portfolio, network and prevailing market situation. A broker will offer good advice on
multiple properties and help you understand prices, designs, services, and suitable neighbourhoods.
This independence is absent with owner and developer marketing who are justifiably inward–
One key skill of a broker is negotiation! It is important to know that property negotiation however
goes beyond current price consideration to include factors that affect rights, caps on future rates,
maintenance, and even disposal conditions. Brokers are better negotiators because they possess the
currency for real estate negotiation – valuable market information on trends, rents, prices, and
Technical advice
There are building defects and potential hazards that a good agent can quickly identify that if missed
or ignored could result in terrible safety and cost consequences. A broker can also help you
understand proposed remodelling and improvements that form the bases of certain pricing and
advise the buyer on the true implications. The expertise to pick up hidden defects or ills of a
property and even proposed modifications could also become tangible negotiation opportunities.
Legal and Paperwork
Even though most brokers may not be legal practitioners, they have gathered a basic understanding of
the legal framework of property acquisition in specific markets. They also have within their teams,
legal expertise that may be cheaper and faster than if you directly engage their services. Your broker
can explain contract terms and legal documents for your understanding. But this is certainly not a
substitute for engaging the expertise of an attorney if required. In addition, your broker can also
help with services including title search, registration of property, and lease agreements.
In these 5 ways, a good property broker can simplify your real estate search process, selection,
acquisition and even move-in. Ultimately, through a good broker, you could save valuable time and
energy, some money and secure really good deals.